Sunday, December 16, 2007


So, for those of you who have been to St. George, you know that there are not many places here to go shopping. No toy stores, a teeny-tiny mall, and not many surrounding cities to try out either. Last year my best friend, Linzee Hickman, another friend, also Lindsay, and I decided to head down to Las Vegas and get some of our Christmas shopping done there. We had an absolute blast, so we decided to make a yearly trip of it. Last year we just went down on a Saturday and spent the day there frantically trying to get everything done. This year we decided to go down on Friday night and get a good nights rest before the frenzy of the next day started. Our friend, Lindsay Sparti, had moved down there a few months previous and had offered to let us stay at her house. Linz and I were so excited to go. We looked forward to it for weeks. Anyway, when it came time to head out we were bursting at the seams.

It is amazing that when you find a good friend that you can talk for hours and never run out of things to say. Linz and I drove the whole way to Vegas, almost two hours by the time we got through traffic and down to the southwest end, and talked the whole time. We are so different, yet we have so much in common. I just love being around her. She is such an amazing person. I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful, life-long friend. Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff. After the drive we went to our friend Lindsay's, we call her Sparti to avoid confusion, and saw her new house. (Oh, how I am jealous of her fourth bedroom!!) She took us to a new bar and grill near her house. I got some wings, which didn't taste so well after driving for two hours on a pregnant stomach. Afterwards, we swung by the movie store and picked up "Hairspray" for our viewing pleasure. Chick flicks are so fun when you really get to watch them with a bunch of other girls!! We had a fun night and it was fun to see Sparti's family too. The next morning we got a slow start after our late evening the night before, but once we were ready we were off. A quick breakfast on the go and we shopped, shopped, shopped. A quick lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and we were off again. I wish that I would have taken a picture of the trunk of my car after the night was over. We were able to get a lot accomplished and we had such a great time. I love my friends. They make everything so much more enjoyable. After the shopping was done, or in all honesty, after the two of us tired and pregnant women were all shopped out we headed home early. I say early because the stores weren't closed yet, but we knew we had a big drive ahead and that we would lose an hour on the way back. We reached home a little after midnight and still had a little bit of energy to spare.

As you can tell, I am looking a LOT scraggly and very tired in the eyes, but we had a wonderful time. I can't wait until next year, or maybe we will try and make it to "Time Out for Women" in Vegas this year. We deserve it right?? A special thanks to the husbands for watching the kids for the weekend and allowing us to go and get a few things done kid-free. It was sorely needed and greatly appreciated. We love you guys!


Caitilin said...

Time out...did you say PREGNANT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! YOU?!??!?!?!? CONGRATS, MIND!!!!!!!! So thrilled and excited fo you! I miss you, friend. Love you forever. CaitiBaits

Laura said...

So fun!! Looks like you had a blast! Congrats on number 4!!! Keep us posted on due dates, gender, etc. Love ya!


Elggren Clan said...

Next year, Time out for women, Vegas, Be There! We should get a group, we've said that the past 2 years huh? It was great seeing you today. Elysia was WAY excited about the clothes. I swear my daughter would be naked if it wasn't for your generous hand-me-downs! Give Linzee a hug & a Congrats on #3 for me! hugs, Sabreena