Thank you all for waiting so patiently for a new post. I have now turned into one of those blogs that people don't check anymore because it is never updated. Sorry.
*and participating in the usual ward nativity.
See my cute Mary?
And see my cute little angel?
and played in some of our winter leaves.

In keeping with a new and extremely beloved tradition, I returned again to Las Vegas with my best friend of all time, Linzee, for a little Christmas shopping.
We even had a freak snow storm. They canceled school for the day and the kids had a great time playing. Without any snow clothes the kids were soaked and freezing, but they didn't care. We had so much fun.

I debated for a while on what we should get P for Christmas. I finally decided on some "indoor" toys so that the poor guys won't get so bored on cold days. He loved his race track and we heard those cars all day long. The brand-new batteries were completely depleted by the next day. Thank goodness he now has some toys that keep him busy.

And, of course, we can't forget our sweet K's first Christmas. She turned 7 months on Christmas day. She also made a haul with all her loot....all of which she could care less about.

We left for family's house the next day and spent the next week with them. We had so much fun being with both sides of the family. I will have to post other pictures later. This one is long enough as it is.
Allow me to back-track a bit. To prepare for the coming of my all-time favorite holiday (Christmas, obviously), we participated in the usual pre-holiday events, like....
*Searching the the perfect Christmas tree

We also decorated our Christmas tree....

In keeping with a new and extremely beloved tradition, I returned again to Las Vegas with my best friend of all time, Linzee, for a little Christmas shopping.

Of course, the actual holiday itself came and went....and we had a blast. We decided to do our own Christmas down here this year because it is becoming increasingly more difficult each year to transport an entire Christmas up north and back down again. We LOVED it!! It was so nice to have our own little Christmas and to be able to relax the rest of the day and enjoy our family. Christmas morning was so fun with the kids. They loved all of their presents.
B got a lot of what I thought were "grown-up" gifts this year....a new mirror to admire herself in, some fake nails, and, of course, the ever coveted hair extensions. She had those nails on first thing and was so cautious about them for a bit. Then, they started falling off everywhere and she was so concerned about those darn things. Although it was a little stressful for me, she loved every minute of it.

We decided to get A a doll house for Christmas this year. She has the ability to sit for hours and entertain herself with little dolls and such. I thought she would love it, but it wasn't meant to be. While she was a little excited for the doll house, she was over-the-top extatic for her own makeup set and spent a good part of the morning trying on every shade she could find. Go figure!!

I debated for a while on what we should get P for Christmas. I finally decided on some "indoor" toys so that the poor guys won't get so bored on cold days. He loved his race track and we heard those cars all day long. The brand-new batteries were completely depleted by the next day. Thank goodness he now has some toys that keep him busy.

Hey Mindi! That sounds like you guys were busy this Christmas season, but I'm glad you guys had so much fun. I always check your blog so no worries.
Yeah for Mindy, of course we frequent this blog! Love all of the pictures and updates! The kids have grown so much and oh my K is adorable!
Yeah for Mindy, updates and pictures! Love all the pictures and the kiddos have grown up so much! K is absolutely darling!
Finally....I was one of those bloggers who didn't stop by in a while, but I am glad that you returned. We need all the updates we can while we are here missing the cuties everyday! We can't wait to see you all again soon hopefully!
Glad you had a good Christmas! Looks like it was a blast! I am horrible at updating our blog as well, so don't feel bad about it, you are not alone!! Love all the pictures!
I'm glad to see you have finally rejoined us all. And I'm even willing to forgive the fact that you DIDN'T mention me in the trip to Las Vegas...aren't friends nice.ter
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